As a responsible receptive in Vietnam, Asiatik Travel deployment program more to focus on the discovery of natural and green space, natural preserves respecting and protecting the richness of biodiversity and nature. Besides, we choose and offer for our guess ecological establishment and visit to escape the destruction of nature and the mass tourism
Fair tourism
All our activity through travel is to contribute to the economic development and the development of the local population by the implication in the local economy, fair and stable remuneration for our partners in different religions. Decent work, extra, good practice with locals. We also help to preserve the local culture and respect the traditions of ethnic minorities Participatory tourismVisit of friendship village Huu Nghi
We participate in many activities to preserve long- term natural, cultural and social resources, we encourage our customers to get in touch with the local's population and authentic meeting by sharing the friendship and sincerity.
Our humanitarian activities are increasingly organized through visits and exchanges with handicapped centers, orphanages to support and help morally those difficult cases to overcome their situations. Asiatik Travel agree to pay 10 euros/ 1 person take from our interest to support the social welfare center and the disabled who are the victims of the agent orange defoliant war: Village of Huu Nghi near Hanoi (10km from the center of town)